Sunday, December 26, 2010

Re-post of ETS Document

Some of you may have had trouble accessing the ETS at a Glance document.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  Please try the link below.

ETS at a Glance

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Digital Students @ Analog Schools, Literature Circles with HOTS, and the Marzano book

Even though this piece is directed at the college level, I found it to be very applicable to our work here in Ansonia.  It's only seven minutes and is interesting in that it's all from the students' perspective.

Video Link

Here's a great example of the students' opinions from the first video implemented by what seems like a very engaging teacher.  Mrs. Rook is using a video as directions for her students' literature circles. Notice her push to get students to ask each other higher-order thinking questions.  This questioning technique can be applied across a wide variety of grades and content areas.

Video Link 2

Many thanks to Betty Tuccio for pointing out that the Marzano, et al book is available on-line for free.  I know that some of you received hard copies of this book in the past, but now we can all access it for free!

Marzano book for free!

Happy Holidays, Everyone!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Welcome, Ansonia Teachers!

The Department of Teaching and Learning is a new division at Central Office.  We are: Darlene Zawisza, Secretary; Fran Adjei, Language Arts Coordinator; Mike Wilson, Math & Science Coordinator; and Tony Gasper, Assistant Superintendent.

As we meet with system-wide committees, visit your classrooms, and talk with your school administrators, we continue to learn more about the needs of Ansonia's teachers and how we can better serve them.  Our goal is to use this blog to share ideas and resources in a timely way that are directly connected to our District Improvement Plan and to make professional development something that happens on an ongoing basis - rather than just at planned intervals.  As we hear questions and concerns from you, we will endeavor to provide supportive resources here.

Please consider subscribing to this blog by clicking on "Follow" on the top-right of this window or "share" us on your facebook wall via the buttons at the bottom or top-right.

Thanks for reading and we look forward to hearing your feedback.

To get us started, here's a link to a document that we looked at in our system-wide Curriculum & Instruction Committee and will soon be shared via e-mail.  It's a good quick reference for how to implement Effective Teaching Strategies.  Link: ETS at a Glance