Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Digital Students @ Analog Schools, Literature Circles with HOTS, and the Marzano book

Even though this piece is directed at the college level, I found it to be very applicable to our work here in Ansonia.  It's only seven minutes and is interesting in that it's all from the students' perspective.

Video Link

Here's a great example of the students' opinions from the first video implemented by what seems like a very engaging teacher.  Mrs. Rook is using a TeacherTube.com video as directions for her students' literature circles. Notice her push to get students to ask each other higher-order thinking questions.  This questioning technique can be applied across a wide variety of grades and content areas.

Video Link 2

Many thanks to Betty Tuccio for pointing out that the Marzano, et al book is available on-line for free.  I know that some of you received hard copies of this book in the past, but now we can all access it for free!

Marzano book for free!

Happy Holidays, Everyone!

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