Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Classroom Walk-through's for 2011-2012

The new school year is off to a great start.  It's great to see the enthusiasm on the faces of the students, teachers, and administrators.  Tomorrow, Carol and I will begin our executive walk-through's.  These will mostly take the same form as last year...with one key difference.  This year we will do a mix of announced and unannounced visits.  We want to give Ansonia teachers a chance to show off their talents.  It's not likely that when we visit a school that we'll get into every classroom.  Last year we did a total of 102 visits and we want to meet or exceed that number this year.

The protocol we'll use remains largely unchanged since last year. We're still focusing on the observance of Effective Teaching Strategies, middle- and higher-order thinking skills, and student-centered learning activities.  Our focus remains unchanged because we continue to center our attention on our three-year district improvement plan.


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